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gpt-4o vs o1: Benchmark on Your Own Data

OpenAI has released a new model series called o1 designed to spend more time thinking before responding and excel at complex reasoning tasks.

While it scores higher on generic benchmarks, there are many real-world cases where gpt-4o is still the better choice.

This guide describes through how to compare o1-preview and o1-mini against gpt-4o using promptfoo, with a focus on performance, cost, and latency.

The end result will be a side-by-side comparison that looks similar to this:

o1 vs gpt-4o comparison


Before we begin, you'll need:

  • promptfoo CLI installed. If not, refer to the installation guide.
  • An active OpenAI API key set as the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.

Step 1: Setup

Create a new directory for your comparison project:

npx promptfoo@latest init openai-o1-comparison

Step 2: Configure the Comparison

Edit the promptfooconfig.yaml file to define your comparison.

  1. Prompts: Define the prompt template that will be used for all test cases. In this example, we're using riddles:

    - 'Solve this riddle: {{riddle}}'

    The {{riddle}} placeholder will be replaced with specific riddles in each test case.

  2. Providers: Specify the models you want to compare. In this case, we're comparing gpt-4o and o1-preview:

    - openai:gpt-4o
    - openai:o1-preview
  3. Default Test Assertions: Set up default assertions that will apply to all test cases. Given the cost and speed of o1, we're setting thresholds for cost and latency:

    # Inference should always cost less than this (USD)
    - type: cost
    threshold: 0.02
    # Inference should always be faster than this (milliseconds)
    - type: latency
    threshold: 30000

    These assertions will flag any responses that exceed $0.02 in cost or 30 seconds in response time.

  4. Test Cases: Now, define your test cases. In this specific example, each test case includes:

    • The riddle text (assigned to the riddle variable)
    • Specific assertions for that test case (optional)

    Here's an example of a test case with assertions:

    - vars:
    riddle: 'I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?'
    - type: contains
    value: echo
    - type: llm-rubric
    value: Do not apologize

    This test case checks if the response contains the word "echo" and uses an LLM-based rubric to ensure the model doesn't apologize in its response. See deterministic metrics and model-graded metrics for more details.

    Add multiple test cases to thoroughly evaluate the models' performance on different types of riddles or problems.

Now, let's put it all together in the final configuration:

description: 'GPT 4o vs o1 comparison'
- 'Solve this riddle: {{riddle}}'
- openai:gpt-4o
- openai:o1-preview
# Inference should always cost less than this (USD)
- type: cost
threshold: 0.02
# Inference should always be faster than this (milliseconds)
- type: latency
threshold: 30000
- vars:
riddle: 'I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?'
- type: contains
value: echo
- type: llm-rubric
value: Do not apologize
- vars:
riddle: 'The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?'
- type: contains
value: darkness
- vars:
riddle: >-
Suppose I have a cabbage, a goat and a lion, and I need to get them across a river. I have a boat that can only carry myself and a single other item. I am not allowed to leave the cabbage and lion alone together, and I am not allowed to leave the lion and goat alone together. How can I safely get all three across?
- vars:
riddle: 'The surgeon, who is the boys father says, "I cant operate on this boy, hes my son!" Who is the surgeon to the boy?'
- type: llm-rubric
value: "output must state that the surgeon is the boy's father"

This configuration sets up a comprehensive comparison between gpt-4o and o1-preview using a variety of riddles, with cost and latency requirements. We strongly encourage you to revise this with your own test cases and assertions!

Step 3: Run the Comparison

Execute the comparison using the promptfoo eval command:

npx promptfoo@latest eval

This will run each test case against both models and output the results.

To view the results in a web interface, run:

npx promptfoo@latest view

o1 vs gpt-4o comparison

What's next?

By running this comparison, you'll gain insights into how the o1-class models perform against gpt-4o on tasks requiring logical reasoning and problem-solving. You'll also see the trade-offs in terms of cost and latency.

In this case, gpt-4o outperforms o1 because answering a simple riddle in some cases costs over 4 cents! This limits its viability for production use cases, but we're sure that OpenAI will continue to slash inference costs in the future.

Ultimately, the best model is going to depend a lot on your application. There's no substitute for testing these models on your own data, rather than relying on general-purpose benchmarks.