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Phi vs Llama: Benchmark on your own data

When choosing between LLMs like Phi 3 and Llama 3.1, it's important to benchmark them on your specific use cases rather than relying solely on public benchmarks. When models are in the same ballpark, the specific application makes a big difference.

This guide walks you through the steps to set up a comprehensive benchmark of Llama and Phi using promptfoo + Ollama.

In the end, you'll be able to create a side-by-side evaluation view that looks like this:

phi vs llama


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

Step 1: Initialize

First, create a new directory for your benchmark:

npx promptfoo@latest init phi-vs-llama
cd phi-vs-llama

Step 2: Configure

Open promptfooconfig.yaml and set up the models you want to compare. We'll use the ollama:chat:phi3 and ollama:chat:llama3 endpoints.

Define prompts

Start by defining the prompts you will use for testing. In this example, we're just going to pass through a single message variable:

- '{{message}}'

Configure providers

Next, specify the models and their configurations:

- '{{message}}'

- id: ollama:chat:phi3
temperature: 0.01
num_predict: 128

- id: ollama:chat:llama3.1
temperature: 0.01
num_predict: 128

Step 3: Build a test set

Test cases should be representative of your application's use cases. Here are some example test cases:

- vars:
message: 'Tell me a joke.'
- vars:
message: 'What is the capital of France?'
- vars:
message: 'Explain the theory of relativity in simple terms.'
- vars:
message: 'Translate "Good morning" to Spanish.'
- vars:
message: 'What are the benefits of a healthy diet?'
- vars:
message: 'Write a short story about a dragon and a knight.'

Add assertions (optional)

You can add automated checks with the assert property in order to automatically make sure the outputs are correct.

- vars:
message: 'Tell me a joke.'
- type: llm-rubric
value: Contains a setup and a punch line.
- vars:
message: 'What is the capital of France?'
- type: icontains
value: Paris
- vars:
message: 'Explain the theory of relativity in simple terms.'
- type: llm-rubric
value: Simplifies complex concepts
- vars:
message: 'Translate "Good morning" to Spanish.'
- type: icontains
value: Buenos días
- vars:
message: 'What are the benefits of a healthy diet?'
- type: llm-rubric
value: Lists health benefits
- vars:
message: 'Write a short story about a dragon and a knight.'
- type: llm-rubric
value: Creative storytelling

Step 4: Run the benchmark

Execute the comparison using the following command:

npx promptfoo@latest eval

Then, view the results:

npx promptfoo@latest view

This will open a web viewer showing a side-by-side comparison of the models' performance. It will look something like this (the exact appearance will vary based on your test cases and scoring mechanisms):

phi vs llama

Step 5: Analyze the results

After running the evaluation, analyze the results to determine which model performs best for your specific use cases. Look for patterns in the output, such as accuracy, creativity, and adherence to the prompt.

For more detailed information on setting up and running benchmarks, refer to the Getting Started guide and the Ollama documentation.