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promptfoo provides a Docker image that allows you to host a central server that stores your team's evals. With this, you can:

  • Share your evals with your team.
  • Run evals in your CI/CD pipeline and aggregate the results.
  • Keep sensitive data off of your local machine.

The self-hosted app consists of:

  • Next.js application that runs the web UI.
  • Filesystem store that persists the eval results.
  • Key-value (KV) store that persists shared data (redis, filesystem, or memory).

Building from Source

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the promptfoo repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd promptfoo

2. Build the Docker Image

Build the Docker image with the following command:

docker build --build-arg NEXT_PUBLIC_PROMPTFOO_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 -t promptfoo-ui .

NEXT_PUBLIC_PROMPTFOO_BASE_URL tells the web app where to send the API request when the user clicks the 'Share' button. This should be configured to match the URL of your self-hosted instance.

Replace http://localhost:3000 with your instance's URL if you're not running it locally.

3. Run the Docker Container

Launch the Docker container using this command:

docker run -d --name promptfoo_container -p 3000:3000 -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo promptfoo-ui

Key points:

  • -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo maps the container's working directory to your local filesystem. Replace /path/to/local_promptfoo with your preferred path.
  • Omitting the -v argument will result in non-persistent evals.

4. Set API Credentials

You can also set API credentials on the running Docker instance so that evals can be run on the server. For example, we'll set the OpenAI API key so users can run evals directly from the web UI:

docker run -d --name promptfoo_container -p 3000:3000 -e OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-abc123 promptfoo-ui

Replace sk-abc123 with your actual API key.

Using Pre-built Docker Images

As an alternative to building from source, we also publish pre-built Docker images on GitHub Container Registry. This can be a quicker way to get started if you don't need to customize the image. However, we generally recommend building from source due to static variable inlining in the pre-built image. Some features, such as the promptfoo share command, may not work out of the box with the pre-built image (by default, promptfoo share will point to localhost:3000).

To use a pre-built image:

  1. Pull the image:
docker pull
  1. Run the container:
docker run -d --name promptfoo_container -p 3000:3000 -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo

You can use specific version tags instead of main for more stable releases.

Advanced Configuration

Eval Storage

promptfoo uses a SQLite database (promptfoo.db) located in /root/.promptfoo on the image. Ensure this directory is persisted to save your evals.

Configuring the KV Store

By default, promptfoo uses an in-memory store for shared results. You can configure it to use Redis or the filesystem by setting these environment variables:

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
PROMPTFOO_SHARE_STORE_TYPEThe type of store to use (memory, redis, or filesystem).memory
PROMPTFOO_SHARE_TTLThe time-to-live (TTL) for shared URLs in seconds.1209600 (2 weeks)
PROMPTFOO_SHARE_REDIS_DBThe Redis database number.0
PROMPTFOO_SHARE_STORE_PATHThe filesystem path for storing shared results.share-store

Redis Configuration Example

To use Redis for the KV store:

docker run -d --name promptfoo_container -p 3000:3000 \
-v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo \

Pointing the promptfoo client to your hosted instance

When self-hosting, you need to set the environment variables so that the promptfoo share command knows how to reach your hosted application. Here's an example:

PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_APP_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 promptfoo share -y

This will create a shareable URL using your self-hosted service.

The PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_API_BASE_URL environment variable specifies the base URL for the API endpoints of your self-hosted service. This is where the promptfoo share command sends data to create a shareable URL.

Similarly, the PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_APP_BASE_URL environment variable sets the base URL for the UI of your self-hosted service. This will be a visible part of the shareable URL.

These configuration options can also be set under the sharing property of your promptfoo config:

apiBaseUrl: http://localhost:3000
appBaseUrl: http://localhost:3000