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Here is the main structure of the promptfoo configuration file:


descriptionstringNoOptional description of what your LLM is trying to do
providersstring | string[] | Record<string, ProviderOptions> | ProviderOptions[]YesOne or more LLM APIs to use
promptsstring | string[]YesOne or more prompt files to load
testsstring | Test Case[]YesPath to a test file, OR list of LLM prompt variations (aka "test case")
defaultTestPartial Test CaseNoSets the default properties for each test case. Useful for setting an assertion, on all test cases, for example.
outputPathstringNoWhere to write output. Writes to console/web viewer if not set.
evaluateOptions.maxConcurrencynumberNoMaximum number of concurrent requests. Defaults to 4
evaluateOptions.repeatnumberNoNumber of times to run each test case . Defaults to 1
evaluateOptions.delaynumberNoForce the test runner to wait after each API call (milliseconds)
evaluateOptions.showProgressBarbooleanNoWhether to display the progress bar

Test Case

A test case represents a single example input that is fed into all prompts and providers.

descriptionstringNoDescription of what you're testing
varsRecord<string, string | string[] | any>NoKey-value pairs to substitute in the prompt. If vars is a plain string, it will be treated as a YAML filepath to load a var mapping from.
assertAssertion[]NoList of automatic checks to run on the LLM output
thresholdnumberNoTest will fail if the combined score of assertions is less than this number
optionsObjectNoAdditional configuration settings
options.prefixstringNoThis is prepended to the prompt
options.suffixstringNoThis is appended to the prompt
options.transformstringNoA filepath (js or py), or JavaScript snippet that runs on LLM output before any assertions
options.storeOutputAsstringNoThe output of this test will be stored as a variable, which can be used in subsequent tests
options.providerstringNoThe API provider to use for LLM rubric grading
options.rubricPromptstring | string[]NoModel-graded LLM prompt


More details on using assertions, including examples here.

typestringYesType of assertion
valuestringNoThe expected value, if applicable
thresholdnumberNoThe threshold value, applicable only to certain types such as similar, cost, javascript, python
providerstringNoSome assertions (type = similar, llm-rubric, model-graded-*) require an LLM provider
metricstringNoThe label for this result. Assertions with the same metric will be aggregated together

promptfoo supports .js and .json extensions in addition to .yaml.

It automatically loads promptfooconfig.*, but you can use a custom config file with promptfoo eval -c path/to/config.


A ProviderFunction is a function that takes a prompt as an argument and returns a Promise that resolves to a ProviderResponse. It allows you to define custom logic for calling an API.

type ProviderFunction = (
prompt: string,
context: { vars: Record<string, string | object> },
) => Promise<ProviderResponse>;


ProviderOptions is an object that includes the id of the provider and an optional config object that can be used to pass provider-specific configurations.

interface ProviderOptions {
id?: ProviderId;
config?: any;

// List of prompt display strings
prompts?: string[];

// Transform the output, either with inline Javascript or external py/js script (see `Transforms`)
transform?: string;

// Sleep this long before each request
delay?: number;


ProviderResponse is an object that represents the response from a provider. It includes the output from the provider, any error that occurred, information about token usage, and a flag indicating whether the response was cached.

interface ProviderResponse {
error?: string;
output?: string | object;
tokenUsage?: Partial<{
total: number;
prompt: number;
completion: number;
cached?: number;
cached?: boolean;
cost?: number; // required for cost assertion
logProbs?: number[]; // required for perplexity assertion


ProviderEmbeddingResponse is an object that represents the response from a provider's embedding API. It includes the embedding from the provider, any error that occurred, and information about token usage.

interface ProviderEmbeddingResponse {
error?: string;
embedding?: number[];
tokenUsage?: Partial<TokenUsage>;

Evaluation inputs


interface TestSuiteConfig {
// Optional description of what you're trying to test
description?: string;

// One or more LLM APIs to use, for example: openai:gpt-3.5-turbo, openai:gpt-4, localai:chat:vicuna
providers: ProviderId | ProviderFunction | (ProviderId | ProviderOptionsMap | ProviderOptions)[];

// One or more prompts
prompts: (FilePath | Prompt | PromptFunction)[];

// Path to a test file, OR list of LLM prompt variations (aka "test case")
tests: FilePath | (FilePath | TestCase)[];

// Scenarios, groupings of data and tests to be evaluated
scenarios?: Scenario[];

// Sets the default properties for each test case. Useful for setting an assertion, on all test cases, for example.
defaultTest?: Omit<TestCase, 'description'>;

// Path to write output. Writes to console/web viewer if not set.
outputPath?: FilePath | FilePath[];

// Determines whether or not sharing is enabled.
| boolean
| {
apiBaseUrl?: string;
appBaseUrl?: string;

// Nunjucks filters
nunjucksFilters?: Record<string, FilePath>;

// Envar overrides
env?: EnvOverrides;

// Whether to write latest results to promptfoo storage. This enables you to use the web viewer.
writeLatestResults?: boolean;


UnifiedConfig is an object that includes the test suite configuration, evaluation options, and command line options. It is used to hold the complete configuration for the evaluation.

interface UnifiedConfig extends TestSuiteConfiguration {
evaluateOptions: EvaluateOptions;
commandLineOptions: Partial<CommandLineOptions>;


Scenario is an object that represents a group of test cases to be evaluated. It includes a description, default test case configuration, and a list of test cases.

interface Scenario {
description?: string;
config: Partial<TestCase>[];
tests: TestCase[];

Also, see this table here for descriptions.


A Prompt is what it sounds like. When specifying a prompt object in a static config, it should look like this:

interface Prompt {
id: string; // Path, usually prefixed with file://
label: string; // How to display it in outputs and web UI

When passing a Prompt object directly to the Javascript library:

interface Prompt {
// The actual prompt
raw: string;
// How it should appear in the UI
label: string;
// A function to generate a prompt on a per-input basis. Overrides the raw prompt.
function?: (context: {
vars: Record<string, string | object>;
provider?: ApiProvider;
}) => Promise<string | object>;


EvaluateOptions is an object that includes options for how the evaluation should be performed. It includes the maximum concurrency for API calls, whether to show a progress bar, a callback for progress updates, the number of times to repeat each test, and a delay between tests.

interface EvaluateOptions {
maxConcurrency?: number;
showProgressBar?: boolean;
progressCallback?: (progress: number, total: number) => void;
generateSuggestions?: boolean;
repeat?: number;
delay?: number;

Evaluation outputs


EvaluateTable is an object that represents the results of the evaluation in a tabular format. It includes a header with the prompts and variables, and a body with the outputs and variables for each test case.

interface EvaluateTable {
head: {
prompts: Prompt[];
vars: string[];
body: {
outputs: EvaluateTableOutput[];
vars: string[];


EvaluateTableOutput is an object that represents the output of a single evaluation in a tabular format. It includes the pass/fail result, score, output text, prompt, latency, token usage, and grading result.

interface EvaluateTableOutput {
pass: boolean;
score: number;
text: string;
prompt: string;
latencyMs: number;
tokenUsage?: Partial<TokenUsage>;
gradingResult?: GradingResult;


EvaluateSummary is an object that represents a summary of the evaluation results. It includes the version of the evaluator, the results of each evaluation, a table of the results, and statistics about the evaluation.

interface EvaluateSummary {
version: number;
timestamp: string; // ISO 8601 datetime
results: EvaluateResult[];
table: EvaluateTable;
stats: EvaluateStats;


EvaluateStats is an object that includes statistics about the evaluation. It includes the number of successful and failed tests, and the total token usage.

interface EvaluateStats {
successes: number;
failures: number;
tokenUsage: Required<TokenUsage>;


EvaluateResult roughly corresponds to a single "cell" in the grid comparison view. It includes information on the provider, prompt, and other inputs, as well as the outputs.

interface EvaluateResult {
provider: Pick<ProviderOptions, 'id'>;
prompt: Prompt;
vars: Record<string, string | object>;
response?: ProviderResponse;
error?: string;
success: boolean;
score: number;
latencyMs: number;
gradingResult?: GradingResult;


GradingResult is an object that represents the result of grading a test case. It includes whether the test case passed, the score, the reason for the result, the tokens used, and the results of any component assertions.

interface GradingResult {
pass: boolean; # did test pass?
score: number; # score between 0 and 1
reason: string; # plaintext reason for outcome
tokensUsed?: TokenUsage; # tokens consumed by the test
componentResults?: GradingResult[]; # if this is a composite score, it can have nested results
assertion: Assertion | null; # source of assertion
latencyMs?: number; # latency of LLM call